A Miami Pool Service Company Can Assist with Low Water Levels
- September 20, 2014
- Pool Cleaning, Pool Service, Pool Service Miami,
It’s not uncommon for residents of Miami, FL and surrounding areas to head out to their backyard for a swim, only to find that the water level of their pool is slightly lower than it was the previous day. This can cause some to panic, thinking that they have a leak somewhere that surely won’t be cheap to fix. However, before you start losing your cool, remember that evaporation could also be the culprit. Pools exposed to the sun can lose up to an inch of water over a few days. That much evaporation would certainly be noticeable and someone would be inclined to think they’ve sprung a leak. Sun isn’t the only culprit when it comes to low water levels either. Wind can play a role as well as simply using the pool. It’s also important to note the pools residing by other bodies of water will tend to evaporate more as well. However, the humidity level in South Florida means less evaporation in general. Calling an expert Miami pool service company can help you know for sure what the problem is.
Calculating your water loss isn’t rocket science and most people simple use a ruler to measure how much water they are losing per day. Before you do however, make sure to turn off things like waterfalls, pumps or other things which could disturb the water and give you a false measurement. The general rule of thumb is anything less than ¼ an inch per day is normal for South Florida, but anything more than that could be an indicator that you’ve got a leak somewhere. Pool leaks are not the end of the world, but they can be an annoyance for a homeowner who has better things to worry about than finding a reputable Miami pool service company.
Detecting a leak isn’t even the biggest problem for a homeowner, fixing it is. In some cases, the leak is somewhere like the skimmer, lights or drains. Leaks are less common on the pool wall or floor, but they are not unheard of. All Florida Pool & Spa Center offers both residential and commercial Miami pool renovations which can take care of all sorts of issues like cracks, leaks, or stains. Resurfacing a pool is great way to transform your backyard into something special. If you’ve got to fix a leak, why not call the professionals at All Florida Pool & Spa Center and get your whole pool a makeover while you’re at it? From new decking and furniture to all the pumps, filters and heaters, All Florida Pool & Spa is Miami’s pool service company with the experience and skill you need.